Sunday, 7 September 2008

What I know about Wood and Manufacture Boards...

Ok...wood....umm they come from trees.... :]

Wood has been used as both structural material and as a decorative material for thousands of years, however there is a major challenge to preserve rescourses, in particular the slower growing hardwood trees.

Types of wood
There are two basic types of trees called hardwood and softwoods.
Softwood - Fast growing, open grained(weaker) straight, long lengths and cheaper.
Hardwood - deciduous, evergreen , takes 60 - 100 years to mature and expensive.

Softwood: Scots pine, Spruce,Douglas fir.
Hardwood: Oak, Ash, Yew,Walnut ,Beech, Teak.

Sterling Board - (Temporary boarding up)
-large chips and resin squashed together

MDF = Medium Density Fibreboard - (Worktops, cheap furniture)
-Resin and fibres pressed into sheets
-Urea Formaldehyde is the resin used to bond fibres
-dangerous when cut or sanded - dust cells hook onto lungs or into eyes
-mask and goggles should be worn if being worked with often

Hexaboard - (temporary flooring)
-embossed with hexagon shaped tred

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